PeePee in the Potty!


All on his own thinking too!!
Here’s how the drama unfolded…
AAA: “Stickers?”
Dad: “we only get stickers for peepee in the potty”
AAA: “Gummi?”
Dad: “Gümmi’s for sitting on the potty”
AAA: “uh-huh”
Dad: “ok! Get on the potty”
(me walking skeptically to the bathroom, taking off the diaper and pjs….Adam scrambling into the potty…maybe this will happen)
AAA: “Gummis?”
Dad: “yes, gümmis for sitting on the potty”. (hand him 2 to keep each hand busy)
AAA: (smiles and looks around and points to stickers) “stickers?”
Dad: “only when we go peepee in the potty. We get gümmis for sitting there but stickers for peepee”
(then Daddy sings the peepee song)
(AAA grins with a half eaten Gummi in his teeth)
**NOISE: a clear, strong squirt into the toilet**
Dad and AAA: “yyyyeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh!!”
(Dad requests the peepee song with glee and spins while singing, puts a Lightening McQueen sticker on Adam’s leg)
AAA: grinning “more”
Dad: “huh?”
AAA: “chic?”
Dad: “chic sticker too?”
AAA: “uh-huh” nodding
(Dad places sticker on other chubby knee and repeats Peepee song. Then sits, realizes moment and snaps 2 pics because the 1st shows too much skin)
Adam also received a Carz pull up diaper.

Big thanks to daddy Eric who has had to explain the philosophy ad nuasea to me.

Post script: the time it took me to write this out and came back in the bathroom behind the door and pooped without telling me. One victory at time : /

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