My puppy is getting old . . .


Over a year ago I noticed that my puppy, Zack was slowing. A lot more grey on his muzzle and not as much time in the yard.

Last Fall he began yelping when he was pivoting around my as I get dress. We got pain meds as needed and during the cold winter months.

With the arrival of Adam he’s been amazing. In fact, Zach’s been very entertained by watching him – after he got over the initial shock that I actually brought a baby home. He found that joining Adam and I in putting on shoes and pajamas is fun.

Recalling that Zack also acted out and began lifting his leg in the house. So it hasn’t been perfect. I threatened to send him to the orchard the 3rd and 4th times. Realizing his self regulation was slipping I began a ritual of ushering him outside twice a day at the same time and it’s worked out well.

At his last check up the vet said the arthritis in his right hip was worsening and that he was getting round. True, he’s not fence running as much and I taught Adam to feed the dog; the bowl ain’t empty. AAA genuinely loves getting food and treats for his puppy and if 1 cookies is good a fistful is better.

So tonight Adam and I are eating dinner. (Usually midway thruogh Zack sauters out and clears his bowl and it’s Adam’s queue to discard less favored foods onto the floor and giggle as Zack hoovers the scraps.).

Tonight we are eating and I hear a sharp yelp. Zack is literally standing with front legs on the floor and hind legs extended on his comfy chair and cannot move. I saw real pain in his eyes and fear. I got his bsck legs onto the ground and he wouldn’t walk. Got his pain pill in him and he stayed immobile. No coaxing could get him to the kitchen.

After 20 minutes I heard him get back in bed. He slincked back on as I was bouncing between high chair child and him. His eyes began to glaze over but he felt better. But it’s 75 degrees out so nobody expected him to be stiff and locking up – this is a first.

He went “outside to go pee pee on the grass” at Adams bed time but only long enuogh to take care of his business. He didn’t clean his food bowl out, when he came bsck in … not his typical.

This is a therapy posting. True Zack’s been slowing and he’s had a few moments. It this was more than that. And it’s not good bye since this is only the start of his (sigh) descent. I’m just not ready for this. He’s been his healthy, neurotic, low key self for almost 8 years with me. Of coarse I’ll adapt and see what modifications he needs. And drugs a plenty for his pain.

It was a definitive and reflective moment.

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