Potty trained? Not yet, butt

I was using the toilet ( a.k.a. sitting on the thunder mug ) and in walks Adam since hess perfectly innocent. He grabs the toilet paper roll and begins to pull down. This is where you probably anticipate the story incorrectly, as did I. He places his other hand on the roll to stop it from spinning and tears off a square! What 2 year old does that?!?!?I tell him how great that is and he does it 3 more times; one square at a time.

Then of coarse he flushes the toilet half a dozen times and I have to scold him because he didn’t listen the 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th times I told him to stop.

Meantime he’ll deny he’s pooping when asked and he’s yet to have a poo-poo-in-the-toilet party. Ugh.

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